helping business

to achieve growth


Interim management support:

  • strategy
  • change
  • marketing
  • (re-) organisation
  • R&D and innovation

successful MD management experience


Over 30 years of senior management experience in a variety of business models, both B-to-B and B-to-C.



Want advice?........sure! But do not expect a "dog & pony Powerpoint show" or excessive reports.

My approach is:

  • to-the-point 
  • execute

result & people driven


Words don't matter but results do! True success doesn’t come from the outside but from within.

Therefore, goals must be meaningful and realistic especially to the team that is involved. The best goals are those that get your people encouraged. As an interim consultant I will facilitate and  create those circumstances.


Channel marketing & International distribution optimalisation

  •  B2B and B2C
  • consumer centricity
  • e-commerce
  • disruption

Mission & Vision & Business Strategy

Change management & Leadership

Marketing strategy &

Brand management & activation

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